This is a place-holder for the home page.
This site is a registered client of Digital Pacific an award-winning Australian provider of domain names and web hosting.
Log in to the Site Administrator Interface to start managing this site (you might want to bookmark this link).
Through the Site Administrator interface you can:
Log in to the User Administrator Interface to start managing your account (you might want to bookmark this link).
Through the User Administrator interface you can:
After you log in, be sure to visit the online Help quick-start guide. It will help you get up and running in no time!
The easiest way to create a web page is to use a web authoring-tool. Some common authoring tools include composer, which is freely available from netscape, frontpage, which is available for purchase from microsoft, and dreamweaver, which is available for purchase from Adobe. These tools write the HTML code for you as you compose your page. Using them is similar to using a word processor such as microsoft word.
As an alternative, you can create web pages by writing the HTML code yourself in a text editor program such as notepad. Some great tutorials for creating web pages include writing html: A tutorial for creating web pages, web monkey, cnet web builder, html goodies, yale web style guide, and the wc3 homepage.
If you own this domain, log in to the Site Administrator interface, then go to the Quick-start guide in the online Help for more information about publishing web pages to your site.